Welcome Year 6 to Bishop Ullathorne Catholic School
Dear Year 6 Student
We are really looking forward to welcoming you into our Bishop Ullathorne family. We know that you may be feeling unsure about your next steps into secondary school. Rest assured, we will do all we can to look after you when you arrive and ensure that you have a great start to your secondary school life.
We have really enjoyed meeting each of you in your primary schools and here at Bishop Ullathorne, and we hope this experience answered many of your questions.
We look forward to welcoming you and your parent on Wednesday 3 July for your Transition Day. This will give you another opportunity to find out more about our school.
This web page in addition to the Transition booklet you have been given should also help to answer many of the questions you may have.
If you have any further questions in the coming weeks please look on this page or contact us on the email address below and we will do our best to answer any questions that you have.
Please continue to do your best for your Year 6 Teachers and parents, and have a wonderful summer holiday.
Mrs Maxwell
Head of Year 7
Mrs Brown
Assistant Headteacher
Transition Team
Maths Summer School
Maths Summer School - Read More >
Sparx Maths Y6 -Y7 - Read More >
What do I do if my child is ill?
Please telephone school (02476 414515) between 07.00 and 08.30 hours and choose the extension for ATTENDANCE (108). You will need to leave your child’s name and the reason that they are absent.
What do I do if my child has a medical or dental appointment?
Where possible please send with your child an official letter or appointment slip which provides proof of the appointment. If you do not have an official document please advise the time of the appointment and what time you will require your child to leave school. While students are in year 7 we would expect that parents will collect them for their appointment and deliver them safely back to school. Ideally you would notify school at least 24 hours prior to the day of the appointment. If appointments are after 11.00 hours we expect students to come into school as normal for their first lesson. Opticians’ appointments are not allowed in school hours.
What happens if my child is late to school?
If there is an unexpected reason why your child will be late to school and they arrive between 08.40 and 09.00 they must sign in at the gatehouse and then go to their Tutor Base. If arriving after this time, they will need to go to the gatehouse and receive a late slip which they will show to their class teacher upon arrival in their lesson. Please provide a letter or phone call explaining your child’s lateness. If there is no good reason for their lateness your child will need to sit a detention during first break on the same day as their late arrival.
What does my child do if they lose something in school?
Lost property which is found in school is taken to the main reception office in the Gatehouse so this is where your child should go to ask if their belongings have been found. We strongly recommend that all items of uniform including their school tie, be clearly named.
What if my child arrives in school without an item of school uniform?
We expect students to be dressed in full school uniform every day. However, we understand that sometimes this might not be possible for a range of reasons, such as a student losing an item, shoes being broken or a blazer being left on the bus. In this case, it is the student’s responsibility, on arriving in school, to find one of the Pastoral Managers who will provide a loan item for the day; this includes school shoes.
What does my child do if they have forgotten their PE kit?
t most cases it will be possible for your child to borrow a PE kit from their PE teacher. The first time a student forgets their kit their PE teacher will record this. If a student persistently fails to bring the correct kit then you will be contacted.
What does my child do if they are unable to join in a PE lesson?
If a student is unable to join in a PE lesson then they must bring a letter from you explaining why.
What does my child do if they have medication to take during the day?
The parent/carer will need to fill in a ‘Request for school to administer medication’ form which can be obtained from The Gatehouse reception. The medication, along with the completed form, can then be handed in to the reception staff.
If I have a query who do I ask?
During the year when your child is in year 7 you may have questions that you want to ask. Please in the first instance email your child’s form tutor who will advise of next steps. You can contact the tutor by email or phone and leave a message with reception. Please do not turn up at the school expecting to speak to a particular member of staff as it is extremely likely that they will be teaching. Appointments where necessary can always be arranged over the phone or by email.
Meet the Transition Team
Mrs Salter |
Miss Stundon |
Ms Maxwell Head of Year 7 |
Mrs Brown |
Mrs Moore |
Mrs Greenway |
Our School Mission Statement
To be an active Christian
community of love and
service, where all feel they
belong and are valued.
We will help each other to
recognise the gifts of God
within us,
to search for excellence
and to foster the development
of our true self.