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It is the expectation that all students undertake enrichment and a minimum of one weeks work experience.

Students have the responsibility to select a morning or afternoon during the week to become their timetabled enrichment session. These additional experiences enhance the impression that they give to future employers and are extremely valuable on their UCAS (university) application form. Students will be provided with an enrichment booklet highlighting all the various opportunities they can consider, along with a log book to record what they do.

Students can build up their weeks’ worth of work experience by undertaking it during school holidays, be it 2 days at one time and 3 days at another time, or as a full week. Work experience should link directly to their career interest. It is important that early on in the Spring term they begin applying for relevant work experience opportunities as quality experiences get taken up very quickly. Students will be guided through this process.

Enrichment Opportunities include: 

  • Student leadership roles within departments
  • Mentoring younger students 
  • Work experience 
  • Faith in action, visits to Lourdes 
  • Residential retreats to Soli House 
  • Residential internships as part of the Social Mobility Foundation and Aspiring Professionals Programme 
  • Realising Opportunities, Pathways to Law, Pathways to Business and Finance 
  • Medical Society
  • Debating Society 
  • Sutton Trust opportunities 
  • National Citizenship Service 
  • Charity events  
  • Nuffield Foundation programme 
  • HE+ programme 
  • Futurelearn online bite size programmes 
  • Two university visits for all students
  • Professional Network Seminar. ​

Summer Schools 

You will be encouraged to visit a range of universities to see what Higher Education has to offer. Our students have participated in residential Summer Schools at Warwick, St Andrews, York, Oxford and Nottingham

“I have taken part in many enrichment activities. I was accepted onto the HE+ Programme, run by Cambridge University. I have volunteered for a morning each week at UHCW. I tutored some Yr 11 students in Maths and Science after school and have recently set up, with three other Year 12 students, a virtual medical society. These experiences have allowed me to develop my skills and cement my interest in medicine”
“My enrichment experiences have been varied and really interesting. I have completed a futurelearn online course in criminology as this links to my career interests. In school I support a Year 7 English class and one afternoon a week I visit a care home. I have been accepted for some work experience in the magistrates court in Birmingham.”